Team 4 – Membrane dynamics

We wish to understand how membrane trafficking and membrane transport processes shape the maintenance and adaptive homeostasis of mammalian cells, with a strong but not exclusive interest in neurons and synapses. We are particularly interested in two cell compartments, the lysosome and the dendritic spine.

Team leaders


Former members

Recent Publications



  • Ion and Molecule Transport in Lysosomes
    Bruno Gasnier, Michael X Zhu : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN:9781138560390, (239 pages), 2020


  • Functional Study of Lysosomal Nutrient Transporters
    Leray X, Sagné C, Gasnier B : extracted from Ion and Molecule Transport in Lysosomes Bruno Gasnier, Michael X Zhu - CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN:9781138560390, 2021