Team 2 – Cerebellar Neurophysiology
The members of the Cerebellar Physiology team are working together to unravel the role of the cerebellum in sensorimotor integration, from synaptic to systems levels. We use our strong interest in neurophysiology and development of optical tools for neuroscience to explore the biophysics of synaptic transmission and how it is integrated by the cerebellar cortex microcircuit during sensorimotor integration in awake behaving animals. Our team combines complementary technical expertise in cerebellar physiology ranging from single synapse electrophysiology up to imaging populations of neurons in mice performing cerebellar-dependent motor tasks.
Team leader
- Thibault Collin, Professor, PI, Paris Diderot, Team 2 - Cerebellar Neurophysiology, +33 1 76 53 42 40, room H346
- Céline Auger, Research Scientist, CNRS, Team 2 - Cerebellar Neurophysiology, +33 1 42 86 38 04, room E367
- Isabel Llano, Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, CNRS, Team 2 - Cerebellar Neurophysiology, +33 1 76 53 42 46, room E364
- Alain Marty, Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, CNRS, Team 2 - Cerebellar Neurophysiology, +33 1 76 53 42 46, room E364
- Melissa Silva-Medina Weil, Postdoctoral Researcher, Team 2 - Cerebellar Neurophysiology, +33 1 76 53 43 20, room H353
- Brandon Stell, Research Scientist, CNRS, Team 2 - Cerebellar Neurophysiology, +33 1 76 53 43 20, room E358
Recent Publications
- Rapid Motor Adaptation via Population-level Modulation of Cerebellar Error Signals
Vinh Nguyen, Brandon M Stell : (preprint), in press - Associative plasticity of granule cell inputs to cerebellar Purkinje cells
Rossella Conti, Céline Auger : (preprint), in press - A first morphological and electrophysiological characterization of Fañanas cells of the mouse cerebellum.
Singer A, Trigo F, Vinel L, Gruere O, Llano I, Oheim M : J Physiol, 2025 - A maximum of two readily releasable vesicles per docking site at a cerebellar single active zone synapse.
Silva M, Tran V, Marty A : Elife, 2024 - Depolarization-induced bursts of miniature synaptic currents in individual synapses of developing cerebellum.
Le Guellec B, Gomez LC, Malagon G, Collin T, Marty A : J Gen Physiol, 2023 - Prioritized docking of synaptic vesicles provided by a rapid recycling pathway
Tran V, Silva M, Marty A : IScience, 2023 - KCa1.1 channels contribute to optogenetically driven post-stimulation silencing in cerebellar molecular layer interneurons.
Kassa M, Bradley J, Jalil A, Llano I : J Gen Physiol, 2023 - The cell polarity protein Vangl2 in the muscle shapes the neuromuscular synapse by binding to and regulating the tyrosine kinase MuSK.
Boëx M, Cottin S, Halliez M, Bauché S, Buon C, Sans N, Montcouquiol M, Molgó J, Amar M, Ferry A, Lemaitre M, Rouche A, Langui D, Baskaran A, Fontaine B, Messéant J, Strochlic L : Sci Signal, 2022 - Calcium-dependent docking of synaptic vesicles.
Silva M, Tran V, Marty A : Trends Neurosci, 2021 - Backbone Cyclization Turns a Venom Peptide into a Stable and Equipotent Ligand at Both Muscle and Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors.
Giribaldi J, Haufe Y, Evans ERJ, Amar M, Durner A, Schmidt C, Faucherre A, Moha Ou Maati H, Enjalbal C, Molgó J, Servent D, Wilson DT, Daly NL, Nicke A, Dutertre S : J Med Chem, 2020 - YIF1B mutations cause a post-natal neurodevelopmental syndrome associated with Golgi and primary cilium alterations.
Diaz J, Gérard X, Emerit MB, Areias J, Geny D, Dégardin J, Simonutti M, Guerquin MJ, Collin T, Viollet C, Billard JM, Métin C, Hubert L, Larti F, Kahrizi K, Jobling R, Agolini E, Shaheen R, Zigler A, Rouiller-Fabre V, Rozet JM, Picaud S, Novelli A, Alameer S, Najmabadi H, Cohn R, Munnich A, Barth M, Lugli L, Alkuraya FS, Blaser S, Gashlan M, Besmond C, Darmon M, Masson J : Brain, 2020 - Molecular layer interneurons in the cerebellum encode for valence in associative learning.
Ma M, Futia GL, de Souza FMS, Ozbay BN, Llano I, Gibson EA, Restrepo D : Nat Commun, 2020 - Physiological involvement of presynaptic L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels in GABA release of cerebellar molecular layer interneurons.
Rey S, Maton G, Satake S, Llano I, Kang S, Surmeier DJ, Silverman RB, Collin T : J Neurochem, 2020 - Synergism of type 1 metabotropic and ionotropic glutamate receptors in cerebellar molecular layer interneurons in vivo.
Bao J, Graupner M, Astorga G, Collin T, Jalil A, Indriati DW, Bradley J, Shigemoto R, Llano I : Elife, 2020 - Incomplete vesicular docking limits synaptic strength under high release probability conditions.
Malagon G, Miki T, Tran V, Gomez LC, Marty A : Elife, 2020 - Differentially poised vesicles underlie fast and slow components of release at single synapses.
Blanchard K, Zorrilla de San Martín J, Marty A, Llano I, Trigo FF : J Gen Physiol, 2020 - Influence of spatially segregated IP-producing pathways on spike generation and transmitter release in Purkinje cell axons.
Gomez LC, Kawaguchi SY, Collin T, Jalil A, Gomez MDP, Nasi E, Marty A, Llano I : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2020