SPPIN - Saints-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences - CNRS UMR 8003
Université Paris Cité
F-75006 Paris
Sandrine El Marhomy
Lab manager - Technician, CNRS
Core unit
+33 1 76 53 42 76, room E373
Recent Publications
- A functional and regulatory network associated with PIP expression in human breast cancer.
Debily MA, Marhomy SE, Boulanger V, Eveno E, Mariage-Samson R, Camarca A, Auffray C, Piatier-Tonneau D, Imbeaud S : PLoS One, 2009 - Expression and molecular characterization of alternative transcripts of the ARHGEF5/TIM oncogene specific for human breast cancer.
Debily MA, Camarca A, Ciullo M, Mayer C, El Marhomy S, Ba I, Jalil A, Anzisi A, Guardiola J, Piatier-Tonneau D : Hum Mol Genet, 2003 - Intragenic amplification and formation of extrachromosomal small circular DNA molecules from the PIP gene on chromosome 7 in primary breast carcinomas.
Autiero M, Camarca A, Ciullo M, Debily MA, El Marhomy S, Pasquinelli R, Capasso I, D\\’Aiuto G, Anzisi AM, Piatier-Tonneau D, Guardiola J : Int J Cancer, 2002 - Initiation of the breakage-fusion-bridge mechanism through common fragile site activation in human breast cancer cells: the model of PIP gene duplication from a break at FRA7I.
Ciullo M, Debily MA, Rozier L, Autiero M, Billault A, Mayau V, El Marhomy S, Guardiola J, Bernheim A, Coullin P, Piatier-Tonneau D, Debatisse M : Hum Mol Genet, 2002 - Abnormal restriction pattern of PIP gene associated with human primary prostate cancers.
Autiero M, Culerrier R, Bouchier C, Basmaciogullari S, Gaubin M, El Marhomy S, Blanchet P, Paradis V, Jardin A, Guardiola J, Piatier-Tonneau D : DNA Cell Biol, 1999 - Isolation from a human seminal vesicle library of the cDNA for gp17, a CD4 binding factor.
Autiero M, Bouchier C, Basmaciogullari S, Zaborski P, el Marhomy S, Martin M, Guardiola J, Piatier-Tonneau D : Immunogenetics, 1997 - Surface plasmon resonance analysis of gp17, a natural CD4 ligand from human seminal plasma inhibiting human immunodeficiency virus type-1 gp120-mediated syncytium formation.
Autiero M, Gaubin M, Mani JC, Castejon C, Martin M, el Marhomy S, Guardiola J, Piatier-Tonneau D : Eur J Biochem, 1997 - HLA class II antigens and the HIV envelope glycoprotein gp120 bind to the same face of CD4.
Houlgatte R, Scarmato P, el Marhomy S, Martin M, Ostankovitch M, Lafosse S, Vervisch A, Auffray C, Platier-Tonneau D : J Immunol, 1994