SPPIN - Saints-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences - CNRS UMR 8003
Université Paris Cité
F-75006 Paris
Dr. Marc Maier
Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, Université Paris Cité
Team 8 - Orientation and Coordination
room H470
Recent Publications
- Motor inhibition and its contribution to recovery of dexterous hand use after stroke.
Plantin J, Godbolt AK, Pennati GV, Laurencikas E, Fransson P, Baron JC, Maier MA, Borg J, Lindberg PG : Brain Commun, 2022 - Age- and task-dependent effects of cerebellar tDCS on manual dexterity and motor learning-A preliminary study.
Lindberg PG, Verneau M, Boterff QL, Cuenca-Maia M, Baron JC, Maier MA : Neurophysiol Clin, 2022 - Multisensory Integration in Stroke Patients: A Theoretical Approach to Reinterpret Upper-Limb Proprioceptive Deficits and Visual Compensation.
Bernard-Espina J, Beraneck M, Maier MA, Tagliabue M : Front Neurosci, 2021 - Locomotor kinematics and EMG activity during quadrupedal versus bipedal gait in the Japanese macaque.
Higurashi Y, Maier MA, Nakajima K, Morita K, Fujiki S, Aoi S, Mori F, Murata A, Inase M : J Neurophysiol, 2019 - Individual recovery profiles of manual dexterity, and relation to corticospinal lesion load and excitability after stroke -a longitudinal pilot study.
Birchenall J, Térémetz M, Roca P, Lamy JC, Oppenheim C, Maier MA, Mas JL, Lamy C, Baron JC, Lindberg PG : Neurophysiol Clin, 2019 - Impaired attentional modulation of sensorimotor control and cortical excitability in schizophrenia.
Carment L, Dupin L, Guedj L, Térémetz M, Krebs MO, Cuenca M, Maier MA, Amado I, Lindberg PG : Brain, 2019 - Predictive Modulation of Corticospinal Excitability and Implicit Encoding of Movement Probability in Schizophrenia.
Dupin L, Carment L, Guedj L, Cuenca M, Krebs MO, Maier MA, Amado I, Lindberg PG : Schizophr Bull, 2019 - Manual Dexterity and Aging: A Pilot Study Disentangling Sensorimotor From Cognitive Decline.
Carment L, Abdellatif A, Lafuente-Lafuente C, Pariel S, Maier MA, Belmin J, Lindberg PG : Front Neurol, 2018 - Manual Dexterity in Schizophrenia-A Neglected Clinical Marker?
Térémetz M, Carment L, Brénugat-Herne L, Croca M, Bleton JP, Krebs MO, Maier MA, Amado I, Lindberg PG : Front Psychiatry, 2017 - Does dystonic muscle activity affect sense of effort in cervical dystonia?
Carment L, Maier MA, Sangla S, Guiraud V, Mesure S, Vidailhet M, Lindberg PG, Bleton JP : PLoS One, 2017 - Emergence of gamma motor activity in an artificial neural network model of the corticospinal system.
Grandjean B, Maier MA : J Comput Neurosci, 2017 - Cerebello-Cortical Differences in Effective Connectivity of the Dominant and Non-dominant Hand during a Visuomotor Paradigm of Grip Force Control.
Moulton E, Galléa C, Kemlin C, Valabregue R, Maier MA, Lindberg P, Rosso C : Front Hum Neurosci, 2017 - Correlation of force control with regional spinal DTI in patients with cervical spondylosis without signs of spinal cord injury on conventional MRI.
Lindberg PG, Sanchez K, Ozcan F, Rannou F, Poiraudeau S, Feydy A, Maier MA : Eur Radiol, 2015 - Differences between kinematic synergies and muscle synergies during two-digit grasping.
Tagliabue M, Ciancio AL, Brochier T, Eskiizmirliler S, Maier MA : Front Hum Neurosci, 2015
- Estimation of two-digit grip type and grip force level by frequency decoding of motor cortex activity for a BMI application
Tagliabue M, Francis, N, Hao Y, Duret M, Brochier T, Riehle A, Maier MA, Eskiizmirliler S : extracted from Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) 27 -31 July, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey Sinan Kalkan, Uluç Saranlı - ICAR International Conference, pages 308-315, ISBN:978-1-4673-7509-2, 2015
Speech communication / proceeding
- Motion control of thumb and index finger of an artificial hand for precision grip using asynchronous decoding of CM cell activity
Eskiizmirliler S, Bertrand O, Tagliabue M, Maier MA : Twenty Second Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Paris, 2013
- Device for quantifying dexterity
Térémetz M, Boucher M, Lindberg P, Maier M : Patent # : EP3860459, 2022