The Association Française du Syndrome de Rett supports Nicolas PANAYOTIS
Congratulations to Nicolas PANAYOTIS (Team 7) who was awarded a 3-years Research Grant by the French Rett Syndrome Patient Advocacy Organization “Association Française du Syndrome de Rett” (or AFSR). Funded project: NewMOTORS ‘Development ...
The SPPIN proudly hosted the kick-off meeting of the CNRS IRN “OMNI-TOOLS” international research network
Experimental neuroscience, as we know it today, is largely building on techniques that were originally developed in very diverse communities including non-linear optics, photochemistry, or light-shaping techniques. What if we bring together leading act ...
Corinne SAGNE & Nicolas PANAYOTIS receive the equipment Grant by the DIM BioConvS from the Région ÎdF
Congratulations to Corinne SAGNE (Team 4) and Nicolas PANAYOTIS (Team 7) who received the Equipment Grant by the DIM BioConvS from the Région Ile-de-France! Funded projects: EV-NEUT ‘Extracellular vesicles-based therapy for an inherited neur ...
26 mars. 2024 – Laura Dugué et Anton Iftimovici – modulations attentionnelles de la perception et psychoses
Le “12h30 de la recherche” est le rendez-vous qui allie recherche fondamentale et recherche clinique. Le 26 mars 2024 – 12h30 – Grand amphi – Site Sainte-Anne modulations attentionnelles de la perception et psychose ...
30 jan. 2023 – Nadia Bahi-Buisson et Nicolas Panayotis – Les Maladies Neuro-développementales – Comprendre et Traiter les MECP2-pathies
Le “12h30 de la recherche” est le rendez-vous qui allie recherche fondamentale et recherche clinique. Le 30 janvier 2024 – 12h30 – Grand amphi – Site Sainte-Anne Les Maladies Neuro-développementales – Comprendre ...
28 nov. 2023 – Le SPPIN coanime le “12h30 de la recherche”, le rendez-vous qui allie recherche fondamentale et recherche clinique
Le “12h30 de la recherche” offre un espace d’échanges et de rencontres entre cliniciens et chercheurs sur le site du GHU Paris autour de thématiques formant autant de priorités et d’axes possibles de recherche dans le périmètre du GHU et de l ...
SPPIN’s NANOCOQ project is laureate of the 2024-25 Maimonide grant scheme
The objective of the Franco-Israeli Maimonide program is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between laboratories of the two countries. This involves encouraging new cooperations, researcher mobility and the participation of ...
The SPPIN welcomes Marc Guillon as new P.I.
In his Singular Imaging (SingIng) group, Marc will aim at developing novel imaging capabilities based on a in-depth study of singular optics and complex media. Marc’s group has emerged from within the SPPIN laboratory following the demand for de ...
STANISLAS PhD project selected by CNRS and U. Toronto
The CNRS and the University of Toronto selected a joint PhD-and research grant involving SPPIN’s team 1 (Oheim) and the laboratory of Molecular Biophysics at the Department of Biochemistry (Yip) at U Toronto. In the framework of this 3-year research coll ...
A thin layer of molecules aligned over macroscopic surface areas for the NANOSCALE project
Researchers around Adi SALOMON (team1) have succeeded in preparing controlled, thin layers of aligned J-aggregates (blue box) over macroscopic surface areas ‘bottom). These reference fluorescent samples, prepared on thin microscope coverslips are an impo ...