A word from the director
What happens if?

A group of researchers decides to work together to redefine the interface of biophysics, neuroscience and neurophysiology?
What happens if a group of enthusiasts team up to train the next-generation of researchers? What happens if groups having diverse expertise from optical physics to Medicine join to work together rather than side-by-side?
What happens if fundamental research was not considered an exotic spleen of some long-bearded guys with unruly hair, horn-rimmed spectacles in white lab coats but as indispensable fertile ground for breeding the next generation of ideas?
What happens if cooperation, mutual support, and a true scientific culture provide the conditions for making discoveries rather than incremental, project-driven research.
Next generation. Next ideas. Next discoveries.
This is the essence of SPPIN, a new CNRS-Université de Paris flagship institute for the molecular and cellular Neurosciences.
Be part of the SPPIN. Join the SPPIN experience. We are hungry for your ideas, your thoughts, share your enthusiasm, your energy.
Join in. SPPIN is recruiting at all levels.
Apply to : candidatures@sppin.fr
Martin Oheim is SPPIN’s founding and current managing director (2019-2030)