SPPIN - Saints-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences - CNRS UMR 8003
Université Paris Cité
F-75006 Paris
Dr. Clément Ricard
Assistant Professor, Université Paris Cité
Team 1 - Biophysics of the brain
room H344
- Co-responsable du Master1 Biologie Intégrative Physiologie (BIP).
- Responsable de l’UE Neuroanatomie Fonctionnelle (Master1 de Neurosciences).
- Responsable de l’UE Neuroimaging (Master2 de Neurosciences).
- Co-responsable de l’UE Imagerie Cellulaire (Master1 BIP).
- Enseignant de Neuroanatomie Humaine Descriptive au CogMaster.
- Co-responsable de l’UE Biologie2 (Division Cellulaire / Reproduction Humaine) (Licence1 Sciences pour la Santé).
- Responsable de l’enseignement de Biologie Cellulaire de l’UE Biologie1 (Licence Mathématiques et Informatique).
Recent Publications
- Imaging the enteric nervous system
Doriane Hazart, Marwa Moulzir, Brigitte Delhomme, Martin Oheim, Clément Ricard : Frontiers in Neuroanatomy (accepted), 2025 - Fast tissue clearing and volume imaging techniques for anatomy
Clément Ricard, Doriane Hazart, Brigitte Delhomme, Marwa Moulzir, Irina Rakotoson, Martin Oheim : Microscopy Research & Technique (accepted), 2025 - The gut, a whistleblower, in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease
Doriane Hazart, Malvyne Rolli-Derkinderen, Brigitte Delhomme, Pascal Derkinderen, Martin Oheim, Clément Ricard : Médecine/sciences, 2024 - L’intestin, lanceur d’alerte, dans les prémices de la maladie de Parkinson
Doriane Hazart, Malvyne Rolli-Derkinderen, Brigitte Delhomme, Pascal Derkinderen, Martin Oheim, Clément Ricard : Médecine/sciences, 2024 - Methods and applications in frontiers in neuroanatomy
Clément Ricard, Lidia Alonso-Nanclares, Basilis Zikopoulos, Martin Oheim : Front Neuroanat, 2023 - Label-free, fast, 2-photon volume imaging of the organization of neurons and glia in the enteric nervous system.
Hazart D, Delhomme B, Oheim M, Ricard C : Front Neuroanat, 2022 - Fast 3-D Imaging of Brain Organoids With a New Single-Objective Planar-Illumination Two-Photon Microscope.
Rakotoson I, Delhomme B, Djian P, Deeg A, Brunstein M, Seebacher C, Uhl R, Ricard C, Oheim M : Front Neuroanat, 2019 - Fast 3-D Imaging of Brain Organoids With a New Single-Objective Planar-Illumination Two-Photon Microscope
Irina Rakotoson, Brigitte Delhomme, Philippe Djian, Andreas Deeg, Maia Brunstein, Christian Seebacher, Rainer Uhl, Clement Ricard, Martin Oheim : Front Neuroanat, 2019 - Two-photon probes for in vivo multicolor microscopy of the structure and signals of brain cells.
Ricard C, Arroyo ED, He CX, Portera-Cailliau C, Lepousez G, Canepari M, Fiole D : Brain Struct Funct, 2018 - Phenotypic dynamics of microglial and monocyte-derived cells in glioblastoma-bearing mice.
Ricard C, Tchoghandjian A, Luche H, Grenot P, Figarella-Branger D, Rougon G, Malissen M, Debarbieux F : Sci Rep, 2016 - Combination of an optical parametric oscillator and quantum-dots 655 to improve imaging depth of vasculature by intravital multicolor two-photon microscopy.
Ricard C, Lamasse L, Jaouen A, Rougon G, Debarbieux F : Biomed Opt Express, 2016 - An orthotopic glioblastoma mouse model maintaining brain parenchymal physical constraints and suitable for intravital two-photon microscopy.
Ricard C, Stanchi F, Rougon G, Debarbieux F : J Vis Exp, 2014 - Six-color intravital two-photon imaging of brain tumors and their dynamic microenvironment.
Ricard C, Debarbieux FC : Front Cell Neurosci, 2014 - Synergistic effect of cisplatin and synchrotron irradiation on F98 gliomas growing in nude mice.
Ricard C, Fernandez M, Requardt H, Wion D, Vial JC, Segebarth C, van der Sanden B : J Synchrotron Radiat, 2013 - Dynamic quantitative intravital imaging of glioblastoma progression reveals a lack of correlation between tumor growth and blood vessel density.
Ricard C, Stanchi F, Rodriguez T, Amoureux MC, Rougon G, Debarbieux F : PLoS One, 2013 - Three-dimensional imaging of small intestine morphology using non-linear optical microscopy and endogenous signals.
Ricard C, Vacca B, Weber P : J Anat, 2012 - Tolerance of arteries to microplanar X-ray beams.
van der Sanden B, Bräuer-Krisch E, Siegbahn EA, Ricard C, Vial JC, Laissue J : Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2010 - Short-term effects of synchrotron irradiation on vasculature and tissue in healthy mouse brain.
Ricard C, Fernández M, Gastaldo J, Dupin L, Somveille L, Farion R, Requardt H, Vial JC, Elleaume H, Segebarth C, van der Sanden B : J Synchrotron Radiat, 2009 - Cell imaging by coherent backscattering microscopy using frequency-shifted optical feedback in a microchip laser.
Hugon O, Paun IA, Ricard C, van der Sanden B, Lacot E, Jacquin O, Witomski A : Ultramicroscopy, 2008 - In vivo staining of neocortical astrocytes via the cerebral microcirculation using sulforhodamine B.
Vérant P, Ricard C, Serduc R, Vial JC, van der Sanden B : J Biomed Opt, 2008 - Subtraction method for intravital two-photon microscopy: intraparenchymal imaging and quantification of extravasation in mouse brain cortex.
Vérant P, Serduc R, van der Sanden B, Chantal R, Ricard C, Coles JA, Vial JC : J Biomed Opt, 2008 - Cell-permeant cytoplasmic blue fluorophores optimized for in vivo two-photon microscopy with low-power excitation.
Hayek A, Grichine A, Huault T, Ricard C, Bolze F, Van Der Sanden B, Vial JC, Mély Y, Duperray A, Baldeck PL, Nicoud JF : Microsc Res Tech, 2007 - In vivo imaging of elastic fibers using sulforhodamine B.
Ricard C, Vial JC, Douady J, van der Sanden B : J Biomed Opt, 2007
Newspaper article
- Editorial: Methods and applications in frontiers in neuroanatomy
Clément Ricard, Lidia Alonso-Nanclares, Basilis Zikopoulos, Martin Oheim : Front. Neuroanat., 2023
Speech communication / proceeding
- Fast, large-field fluorescence and second-harmonic generation imaging with a single-spinning disk two-photon microscope
Andreas Deeg, Federico Trigo, Doriane Hazart, Brigitte Delhomme, Tchyia Zar, Thomas Naiser, Christian Seebacher, Adi Salomon, Clément Ricard, Rainer Uhl, Martin Oheim : European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Dijon, 2023