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NANOSCALE GOES COLOUR-CODED: Hiring an engineer (IE CNRS, CDD 1 year)

We are being used to read off pH from comparing dripped Lackmus paper to a colour scale. Likewise, the Suzuki method encodes keys by colour, which allows to code melodies before mastering musical notes. But did you think about encoding nanometric optical distances along the microscope’s axis into colour? We did. And this is the essence of CC-NANOSCALE, or colour-coded nanoscale, a project now funded by UPC.

Following the promising market study conducted by the agency TEMATYS and Martin Oheim’s presentation of intermediate results in front of a panel of experts, non-experts and innovators, SPPIN’s team 1 (Biophysics of the brain) was awarded a 2024-25 pre-maturation grant from Université Paris Cité (UPC). 

We are now hiring a study engineer (ingénieur d’études) (H/F/or other) starting ASAP and during 1 year. Please send applications (letter of motivation, CV and three academic references) to : nanoscale [AT]