SPPIN - Saints-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences - CNRS UMR 8003
Université Paris Cité
F-75006 Paris
Dr. Kamil Grycz
Postdoctoral Researcher
Team 3 - Biology and physiopathology of the spinal cord
+33 1 76 53 42 09, room H343B
Recent Publications
- Regulation of perineuronal net components in the synaptic bouton vicinity on lumbar α-motoneurons in the rat after spinalization and locomotor training: New insights from spatio-temporal changes in gene, protein expression and WFA labeling.
Grycz K, Głowacka A, Ji B, Krzywdzińska K, Charzyńska A, Czarkowska-Bauch J, Gajewska-Woźniak O, Skup M : Exp Neurol, 2022 - L1 Cell Adhesion Molecule Overexpression Down Regulates Phosphacan and Up Regulates Structural Plasticity-Related Genes Rostral and Caudal to the Complete Spinal Cord Transection.
Płatek R, Grycz K, Więckowska A, Czarkowska-Bauch J, Skup M : J Neurotrauma, 2020 - Early pre- and postsynaptic decrease in glutamatergic and cholinergic signaling after spinalization is not modified when stimulating proprioceptive input to the ankle extensor α-motoneurons: Anatomical and neurochemical study.
Grycz K, Głowacka A, Ji B, Czarkowska-Bauch J, Gajewska-Woźniak O, Skup M : PLoS One, 2019 - Spinalization and locomotor training differentially affect muscarinic acetylcholine receptor type 2 abutting on α-motoneurons innervating the ankle extensor and flexor muscles.
Więckowska A, Gajewska-Woźniak O, Głowacka A, Ji B, Grycz K, Czarkowska-Bauch J, Skup M : J Neurochem, 2018 - Electrical Stimulation of Low-Threshold Proprioceptive Fibers in the Adult Rat Increases Density of Glutamatergic and Cholinergic Terminals on Ankle Extensor α-Motoneurons.
Gajewska-Woźniak O, Grycz K, Czarkowska-Bauch J, Skup M : PLoS One, 2016