SPPIN - Saints-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences - CNRS UMR 8003
Université Paris Cité
F-75006 Paris
Dr. Carine Julien
Assistant Professor - ENS Cachan
Team 1 - Biophysics of the brain
+33 1 42 86 42 21, room P368
Student :
Recent Publications
- Characterizing nanometric thin films with far-field light
Klimovsky H, Shavit O, Julien C, Olevsko I, Hamode M, Abulafia Y, Suaudeau H, Armand V, Oheim M, Salomon A : Adv Opt Mater, 2023 - Optometry for a short-sighted microscope.
Julien C, Oheim M : Biophys J, 2021 - Single particle SERS signal on gold nanorods: comparative study of diarylethene photochromic isomers
Julien-Rabant C, D{\’e}barre A, M{\’e}tivier R, Laurent G : Journal of Optics, 2015 - Quenching dynamics in CdSe nanoparticles: surface-induced defects upon dilution.
Hartmann L, Kumar A, Welker M, Fiore A, Julien-Rabant C, Gromova M, Bardet M, Reiss P, Baxter PN, Chandezon F, Pansu RB : ACS Nano, 2012 - How gold inclusions increase the rate of fluorescein energy homotransfer in silica beads
Martini M, Roux S, Montagna M, Pansu R, Julien C, Tillement O, Perriat P : Chemical Physics Letters, 2010 - Epitaxial growth of highly oriented fibers of semiconducting polymers with a shish-kebab-like superstructure
Brinkmann M, Chandezon F, Pansu R B, Julien-Rabant C : Advanced Functional Materials, 2009 - How gold particles suppress concentration quenching of fluorophores encapsulated in silica beads
Martini M, Perriat P, Montagna M, Pansu R, Julien C, Tillement O, Roux S : The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009 - New hindered BODIPY derivatives: solution and amorphous state fluorescence properties
Vu T T, Badre S, Dumas-Verdes C, Vachon J-J, Julien C, Audebert P, Senotrusova E Y, Schmidt E Y, Trofimov B A, Pansu R B, Others : The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009 - Light depolarization induced by metallic tips in apertureless near-field optical microscopy and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
Gucciardi PG, Lopes M, Déturche R, Julien C, Barchiesi D, Lamy de la Chapelle M : Nanotechnology, 2008 - Existence of conformers revealed by spectral analysis of single molecules of perylene orange in thin sol-gel films.
Julien C, Débarre A, Nutarelli D, Richard A, Tchénio P : J Phys Chem B, 2006 - On the way to nanometer-sized information of the bacterial surface by tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
Neugebauer U, Rösch P, Schmitt M, Popp J, Julien C, Rasmussen A, Budich C, Deckert V : Chemphyschem, 2006 - Single molecule study of perylene orange photobleaching in thin sol-gel films.
Julien C, Débarre A, Nutarelli D, Richard A, Tchénio P : J Phys Chem B, 2005 - Raman scattering from single Ag aggregates in presence of EDTA
D{\’e}barre A, Jaffiol R, Julien C, Tch{\’e}nio P, Mostafavi M : Chemical physics letters, 2004 - Specific Raman signatures of a dimetallofullerene peapod.
Débarre A, Jaffiol R, Julien C, Nutarelli D, Richard A, Tchénio P : Phys Rev Lett, 2003
- Fluorescence et Diffusion Raman Exaltée de Surface (SERS) de molécules individuelles
Carine Julien : Université Paris Sud-Paris XI, 2004
Speech communication / proceeding
- Spatially resolved refractometry, fluorophore-concentration, axial-position, and orientational imaging using an evanescent Bessel beam
Kaitlin Szederkenyi, Carine Julien, Bruno Lagarde, Ilya Olevsko, Adi Salomon, Martin Oheim : EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, 2024