Awards, News
Congrats to Daniel Zytnicki for the CNRS Medal of Honor!

On June 12, Daniel Zytnicki was awarded the CNRS Medal of Honor, in recognition of his outstanding contributions during his 40 years with the CNRS.
Daniel Zitnicky completed his thesis at the Collège de France under the supervision of Yves Laporte and Lena Jami. He then did a post-doc in Sweden with E Jankowska, where he learned the technique of intracellular motor neuron recordings. On his return, he transferred and established this technique in Prof. Laporte’s laboratory in Paris. When Prof. Laporte retired, Daniel joined Léna Jami, who founded the Physiology and Biology of Motor Activity Laboratory (URA 1448). Daniel succeeded Léna Jami in founding and running the Neurophysics and Physiology Laboratory (UMR 8119). The end of his role as laboratory director did not mean the end of his dedication to the community: Daniel founded the Paris Descartes Ethics Committee, headed the Neuroscience Research Federation at the St Pères and co-directed the ED3C doctoral school, while also heading the scientific committee of the St Pères animal facility and working to modernize it. As an emeritus, Daniel now leads a wide range of scientific projects (including numerous collaborations with Poland, Germany, England and the USA).
Congratulations Daniel!