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The SPPIN welcomes Marc Guillon as new P.I.
In his Singular Imaging (SingIng) group, Marc will aim at developing novel imaging capabilities based on a in-depth study of singular optics and complex media. Marc’s group has emerged from within the SPPIN laboratory following the demand for developing advanced optical techniques for bio-instrumentation. The focuses of the new team will thus be two-fold, both aiming at performing:
- Fundamental studies: focused on topological control of random wavefields through random and complex media
- Instrumental developments: concerning compressive imaging and high-resolution wavefront sensing with applications ranging from super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to optical metrology.
Marc Guillon studied Physics at the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (now ENS Paris Saclay) where he passed the French competitive exam for teaching (“Aggregation”). He obtained a Master degree in laser physics, and, in 2007, he completed a PhD on opto-mechanics at Université de Provence under the supervision of Pr. Antoine Labeyrie. After a postdoc on optomechanics in optical micro-cavities in Dundee (Scotland), he was hired as an associate professor at University of Paris in 2008 to develop super-resolution microscopy and computer generated holography for biological instrumentation. Since Oct. 2019, MG has been appointed as a junior member of “Institut Universitaire de France”.
Marc Guillon’s Google Scholar page
Marc takes candidatures for collaborators at all levels:
- Marc Guillon, Assistant Professor, PI, Université Paris Cité, Team 5 - Singular Imaging, +33 1 76 53 43 49, room P362